
Start Your Estate Plan in Just 3 Simple Steps

Learn About eStatePlanâ„¢

Schedule a consultation with one of our advisors to learn how our plan is different than others you may have heard about.

Sign Up & Activate

Once you see the difference, we are confident you will choose our program. After signing up, the process can be completed in as little as 2 weeks.

Sleep Peacefully

No more sleepless nights, worrying that your estate is in disarray. We like to think of our eStatePlanâ„¢ as sleep insurance.

Commonly Asked Questions

Is a Will enough to protect my estate?

We will educate you on the difference of wills and trusts and what you hear may surprise you

What if I need someone to take care of my finances if I end up in the hospital and can't do it myself?

All too often, we hear stories of people in this very situation. We have a solution, and it’s easier than you think.

How do I make sure others know how to treat me medically if I cannot speak

All of us want to know that our wishes will be heard, especially when we are incapacitated. Our legal team has designed documents to make sure you are never in this terrible situation.


Our online platform allows you to change your estate plan at any time. Some of the features of the eStatePlanâ„¢ are:

  • Attorney Advice
  • Document Storage
  • File Storage
  • Medical Directives
  • Financial Power of Attorney
  • Annual Reviews
  • HIPAA Compliant Healthcare Power of Attorney

An All-Inclusive Estate Plan

At The Advisor Group, we look at your whole estate- including legal, tax and financial. We want to make sure you are taken care of in every aspect.
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Imagine this very real scenario. You go to your cardiologist and he puts you on a medication. Weeks later you visit your pulmonologist and she tells you to get off of that medication, because it could kill you. So a few weeks later you return to the cardiologist and he says if you don’t take it- it will kill you.

Wouldn’t it be great if these two doctors could just get in the same room and figure this out once and for all?

The same scenario applies to your estate. We see it all too often. A person asks their tax preparer a question about finances. They are told to go talk to their financial advisor. That advisor says he can’t give tax advice, so they need to go back to the tax preparer. And the estate attorney can’t answer tax or financial questions either. Wouldn’t it be great if all 3 of those people could talk to each other?

We thought that would be great too! Hence our 3 pronged approach.

3 Pronged Approach

Your estate is more than just your house. 

Legal Setup & Review

Our advisors and attorneys guide you along the way to make sure your estate is planned and executed just the way you want.

Tax Mitigation

Why pay voluntary taxes? Our inhouse specialists review your current situation and how you could benefit from the tax law. Ultimately we’d like to see you divorce the IRS and pass your money to your heirs TAX FREE.

Annual Financial Reviews

We know things change. Your estate plan needs to be kept up to date. We reach out annually to make sure that plan incorporates all of those changes, and is done so most efficiently.

Don't procrastinate! Start planning today.

Your loved ones will thank you.

Don’t take our word for it. Here are a few client testimonials:

Call us or email today to get started